Thursday, October 9, 2008


Well, everything here is pretty normal so I thought I'd tell you all about AWANA. For those of you who do not know, AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. It is a church club with Bible memorization, instruction and of course games. The club is divided into age groups- Puggles (2 year olds), Cubbies (3 and 4 year olds), Sparkies (kindergarteners, first graders, and second graders). After Sparks, the clubs are divided by sex also. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth graders are in Truth and Training. (All three of my kids are in Sparks!) For the junior high and senior high, I know that there is a club for them, but our church does not do those clubs. I am the director of the girl's Truth and Training. We have done a lot of fun things in there. Last week we had a mom and daughter game night. We had most of our girls there with some of their moms. They had such a good time that they said we had to do it again! We are going to do two service projects. I hope to do one this month and one in the spring. We are doing a Missionary project with Bethesda as soon as they get back to us about what they need help with. We have about 12 girls that come every week. They really seem to enjoy coming. There are 4 books to do in T&T. No matter when you start you begin with the first book. We have two sixth graders who are in the fourth book. The books are designed to be done one a year, but any girl that starts late can move through the books as quickly as she can. We have a fifth grader who is in book 2, but she will probably be done with book three by the time the year is over. I just thought I'd let you know what is going on with me every Wednesday night. :)

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