Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I guess we are having a really good month! Cassidy starts her horse show competitions this weekend. She is really excited. She is riding a different horse this year. Cassidy and the horse have been getting used to each other. I cannot wait to hear how she did. (It is in southern Indiana, so I usually cannot go.) Barry and Christopher are doing fine. All three kids are counting down the days left of school, mostly Christopher. (As of today they have 11 days left, not including weekends.) Christopher's reasons are that he is very, very ready to go to camp! I am glad that he is so excited about it.
On another front, the spring weather is finally here!!! I am so glad! Of course today is supposed to be almost 85 degrees! Almost like summer! On that note, everyone have a great day!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Peace and quiet!

I guess when I am not writing, things must be pretty good. I decided I had better let you know that everything is fine. I should write when my kids have good days, even if they have lots of good days! Christopher had his last Cub Scout meeting this past Tuesday. He made a kite and had a blast!! He decided he did not need a "store bought" kite this year because his homemade one is just so much better than anyone he could buy! Cassidy and Barry were disappointed that they did not get to make one too, but I told then that we would figure out a way to make them kites. Christopher also is very excited about going to camp in June. He is finally old enough to attend Twin Lakes Camp (where I worked for three summers.) He is ready to start packing RIGHT now! I am really glad that he wants to go. He and Cassidy both have asked our Pastor about baptism, so the next time that the church has a baptism they will be getting baptized. It is very nice to see how excited they are about God. All three of the kids occansionally come to my room at night because they have a bad dream. I have always prayed with them and they seem to be able to go right back to sleep. Now they come to me and just ask for a little help praying and do most of it by themselves (they use their own words with no real prompting.) It is nice that they are learning to pray on their own. I love to hear them pray!! Cassidy is also done with Girl Scouts for the year. She had a blast this year. She sold lots of cookies (252 books, which will probably NEVER happen again), nuts, and magazines. Her troop had a "spa night" and lots of other exciting adventures. I think her favorite activity was visiting the local Wiseway grocery store. She cannot wait until next year. Barry gets to join Cub Scouts next year and is very excited about that. He is almost done with kindergarten, I can't believe it! I guess that is enough for now.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I really do not know WHAT to call this one

WOW!!! Meltdown city tonight! Cassidy is crying because I told her no. She is now saying it is because I do not love her. Of course, I am sitting quietly trying very hard not to laugh at her temper tantrum! Why do kids try these games? Barry cried a little earlier, but is now sound asleep on my mother's recliner. He tends to do this a lot when we make it to Friday during the school week. Christopher has decided to hide out in the car. He does not have the keys or anything, but I think that he just wants to be away from the crying.

Last Thursday, I went to the doctor and was put on an oral steroid and an inhaler. I now know exactly how Christopher feels when he has to use his inhaler. It sucks!! Still, my coughing has gotten mostly better. I am still coughing every once in a while. With this swine flu scare, everyone keeps looking at me like I am going to get them all sick. Relax folks, not sick at all, just a major allergy flare up. I did not realize my allergy to dust was so bad. Next time my mother can fix the vacuum cleaner.

Finally no more crying. Peace and quiet. I suppose that Cassidy has decided that no is not such a bad word after all. I wonder how long this will last! :)