Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Time to Catch You Up On Everything

I have not forgotten you all, but I have been very busy. I kind of left off with Cassidy at Riley's. She came home the night before Thanksgiving and has not really had a problem since then. Chris and Cassidy started getting acupuncture the Saturday after Thanksgiving and it seems to be helping. Chris is gaining weight (finally) and Cassidy is feeling better. I had three finals, 5 small papers and three big papers to do before the end of the semester Dec. 15th. Crazy busy, right? Life since Christmas has not slowed down at all. I have been "snowed in" for about a week. Well, not really snowed in, but car less. My car went into the shop about 2 weeks ago ~ the first time. It went back into the shop two days later ~ the second time. The third time I took it into the shop, we finally figured out what was wrong. Both head gaskets in the engine broke. So until the engine is replaced/fixed, I am with out a car. The same time my car broke down, my mother's and neighbor's cars also broke down. With what problem you may ask? Both of their cars need, you guessed it new ENGINES. A little frustrating to say the least. Northwest Indiana got about 2 feet of snow last Tuesday/Wednesday and another 7 inches today. So not fun! I am so looking forward to SPRING. Talk to you all later!