Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Much Needed Reality Check

There are days when Christopher is raging and so angry that it is scary to hear. He will arbitrarily hurt someone just because he is mad at me. Today for example, I took his gameboy away because this week is no TV week, which of course includes video games and computer (for the kids). For the past twenty minutes he has raged around, screaming at everyone, kicking things and generally being pissed at the world. Enter my reality check: whenever I get into my blog site, I always check the updates of the many blogs I follow. Among my favorites are the adoption ones. The reason I like them so much is that these families give up everything to adopt the children that need the love the most. Most of the children that they adopt are special needs: physical, emotional, or mental. While I have a child with some serious anger; there are times when these families are dealing with multiple problems at once, from multiple children. I sometimes forget that my one child is very easy to deal with when you look at what other people are dealing with. My son is just now starting to calm down. I started to write this blog almost 45 minutes ago. I had to physically hold him down so he would not hurt the other kids, himself or me. We are just getting past this episode of anger (almost an hour into to it.) I love my child, anger and all, although I wish I could figure out how to help him. In the long scheme of things, even with an angry child, my life is not so hard. :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009


It has been a while since I wrote anything. Everything here seems to be going alright. Christopher is doing well. He has been on oral steroids since Tuesday because of an asthma "outbreak." This is his first episode in over a year. His allergy stuff has not been a big deal . . . so far. Once school is over for the summer and I have better control over everything he eats, we are going to start eliminating wheat, soy, and tuna to see how much they really might bother him. He really likes all of those things so it may not be easy, but we will see. He also gets to go to camp for the first time. He is going to the same camp I worked at - Twin Lakes Camp. I am so excited that he is going.
Barry was not afraid!! I enjoyed watching him ride all by himself!! Barry is doing well in school and I am so happy that he never has a problem going to school or doing homework. Overall he seems to be a very happy little boy.

Cassidy has started horseback riding again. She was so excited! She cannot wait until she goes to her first competition of the year. Barry and Chris both rode the horse the other day and had a really good time. Cassidy is a typical little girl who enjoys "girlie" things. She gets a kick out of hanging out with her friends and talking on the phone. It is really quite funny. I thought the phone thing started when they got bigger!!