Tuesday, January 20, 2009

God's Work

I am not the best blogger in the world by any stretch of the imagination, but I enjoy reading my friends blog lots! I always get a kick out of what everyone's kids did. One of my friends had two of her kids draw all over "everything" with permanent markers, another friends has some great pictures of her kids with their dad sledding in our mile high snow. I find myself laughing out loud at some of the stories people write in their blogs. I also cry when something hurts someone I care about. Mainly, though, I enjoy reading how God has worked in the lives of the people I care about. My cousin has a daughter who was very sick at this time last year with a very rare disease, this year she is almost back to her normal self again. Another friend has a son who needed surgery last year. They were afraid he may need more soon, but thankfully he does not. I am amazed that people in the world do not believe there is a God, when He so obviously answers prayer the way He does. Outside of the proof of nature, seeing God work in the lives of people makes life so much more interesting, don't you think?

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