Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Little Reflection

I was re-reading some of my older posts. It is amazing how much my kids have changed, yet still stayed the same. Chris still has his issues with anger, although the tantrums/meltdowns have gotten further apart and less scary. Cassidy has not had any hospital visits since last June and we are finally seeing a doctor close to us that will hopefully mean some answers. And Barry, well is still a little boy with huge dreams.  And me, well, I am not 100% sure exactly how much I have changed, but I know I have.

I find myself caring more about the hurts of other people. I have always cared and been more than willing to pray for other people, but now I find myself much more impacted by stories I hear. The illnesses of people I have never met, the damage done in a tornado to people whose names I do not know, the soldiers killed in battle, while these always bothered me, now I cry for them. I am not complaining at all, but I did not realize how much this changed until I re-read the posts of not just me but others' too.

With my life, like so many people around me, SO incredibly busy, I find myself shocked that I care so much more. I am not whining about this, but I would have expected to be more jaded toward the hurts of others. I have seen people I know and care about getting more blasé about life and what is going on in the world and it really bothers me.  I get discouraged to see people close up and quick caring.   Why is it that the only time people seem to care is when something drastic occurs (tornado, earthquake, death)?  What happened to the people how care about the little things (illness, depression, loneliness)?  Not that to the people experiencing these things ever feel like the issues are small. 
Every once in a while, someone will surprise me and do the opposite of the rest of the world.  I have seen the people who smile even when they are in terrible pain just to make someone's day or give every penny to a friend when the friend needs help.  I am glad I feel more for others.  I would hate to be one of the people who do not care anymore.  I hope I continue to care.

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