Wow! It has been a really long time since I wrote anything. I cannot believe it has been so long. I do not think I will be able to remember everything that has happened, but I will try.
Cassidy and Barry played in the AWANA Sparks-O-Rama. Their team did great. We had a little girl from another team play with us because we were one girl short. She was the daughter of a friend from high school. Fun. I was one of the coaches. That was an experience.
Christopher is starting counseling on the 22nd. I am really looking forward to it. I think that Chris is a little scared about it. I really hope it will help him.
Chris went to the allergist last week and everything is going well on that front. It looks like Cassidy may be developing allergies, so she has an appointment soon.
Barry has a hole in his eardrum and we go see an ENT on the 4th of May. He cannot wait.
The kids all had projects due for school right after spring break. Cassidy and Barry each had to design something to do with space: a space creature, a rocket ship, and astronauts suit, etc. Cassidy had a pink astronauts suit and Barry made a rocket ship. Christopher had a project due on the state of Maryland. He had to draw the flag, among other things. Look at the Maryland state flag and then you try to draw it. It was not an easy thing to do, but we managed. I do not have a picture of Chris's projects. I will get one once it come back home.
We have been to the beach at least three time already this spring and the park once. The kids are so glad that the weather is getting better. They spend lots of time outside, as much as I will let them anyway. My sister's boyfriend went with us to the park, it was really nice.
We also went to the Museum of Science and Industry over spring break. It was really nice. Crazy busy! There were lots of field trips from schools not on spring break, but we managed to run into people from our church and from the kids school. It was neat to see people that we knew there. :)
Christopher and Cassidy are both going to camp this summer. Christopher cannot wait to go back and Cassidy is really excited to be going at all.
This has been the most unorganized blog I have done in a long time, but I tried to catch you all up on everything. I probably forgot a lot, but I will try to remember and catch you up on everything else next time. (Hopefully, next time will be a lot quicker.) :)
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