Monday, December 8, 2008
November Update a Little Late!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
27 out of 40
Cassidy and Barry are fine! Cassidy will be seeing an ENT soon to discuss whether she needs her tonsils removed or something like that. Right now though she is feeling pretty good. Barry is doing great. He is the healthiest of my kids. Anyway everyone is doing fine!
Monday, November 10, 2008
My friend Christa (who blogs at No End in Site) tagged me for this little survey. You’re supposed to reveal seven random things about yourself that others may not know. This could get interesting…
1. I like Jelly Belly Jelly Beans way more than I should! I like the sour ones the best.
2. I chose my daughter's name when I was in fifth grade after I read a book with main character with the same name.
3. While I was in college, I worked as a camp counselor at a Bible camp. I got to play nurse the last year I worked there.
4. I actually like racquetball (although volleyball is better). I learned it at Cedarville.
5. I was a lifeguard for 6 years. To this day, I still "guard" any pool I go to. The guards at the YMCA have even asked me to guard for them when they are short handed. It can get a little overwhelming!
6.I love Gloria Jean's coffee. I do not really like any other kind of coffee. I am so glad that the nearest Gloria Jean's is at the mall (at least 30 minutes away.)
7. I love to read! I really, really love to read. Mostly fiction, but I will read almost anything.
Anyone who wants to.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
October Update
Just a quick thought -> I am SO not ready for snow!!! (The weather report says we might get some on Sunday!!) TOO SOON!!!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Kids again!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Crazy life!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
When it rains. . .
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Weekend of rain!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Quick Update
Friday, September 5, 2008
Just wondering
Thursday, August 28, 2008
August update!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Horse Show, August 17, 2008
Cassidy competed in SHOWMANSHIP, WALK / TROT 9 & UNDER, PONY WALK / TROT, SENIOR HORSE WALK / TROT, NOVICE RIDER WALK / TROT, and ENGLISH SADDLES WALK / TROT 18 & UNDER. She came in second in WALK / TROT 9 & UNDER, fifth place in PONY WALK / TROT (she did better than Connie did), and sixth place in NOVICE RIDER WALK / TROT. She did not place in the others. This was her first English saddle competition. In her SENIOR HORSE WALK / TROT, there were 27 people. Cassidy was the youngest. She had a really good time.

Barry competed in LEADLINE class. Connie (my sister-in-law) lead him around while he tried to guide the horse. He came in first. He was quite excited.

Christopher competed in the WALK class. He rode the horse with no one around (all by himself). He was proud of himself. He was afraid of first. He also got first.

We spent the whole day at the show and the kids cannot wait until they can go to another show!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Summer Update A Little Late

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Christopher is still struggling with his ADHD. We changed his meds (again) and instead of helping they are making it worse. We go back to the doctor on Monday to see what we can do next. He is trying so hard and I feel so bad when he ends up in trouble for something I know he can do, and has done, right.
I will try to keep up on this blog stuff, but I cannot promise anything!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
A Reprieve
On another note, I will post pictures as soon as I can figure out how!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Life in general
And what is with this weather!! I want warm sun shiny skies with green grass, flowers, and leaves on trees. Is that really too much to ask!?
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Feb. Update
Cassidy is doing well. She had another ear infection last week and I am worried that her hearing is damaged from all the infections she has had. (She has probably had 30 infections in her little life.) She had a hearing test done and she could not hear the lower tones at all in either ear. The school nurse said that it could be due to her current infection, however Cassidy's teacher and I have both noticed that she does not hear everything that she should. I have switched my children's doctor and their new doctor is very interested in keeping them healthy. He had already done more for Christopher than their old doctor. He is already talking about putting tubes in her ears (I think that should have been done long ago.)
Barry is fine. He loves preschool and comes home with all kinds of interesting facts to tell me. He started last week telling me all the planets in our solar system. He was quite earnest in the recital of them even when he did not pronounce them correctly.
About Brad, I went to his parents house last week to pick up a shirt for Cassidy and had a nice long talk with his mother. He has decided to let me keep the computer. That is a huge relief because I use it for school. He has still not tried to contact the kids, which is okay with me. They know that he is home, but they have not really asked about him much. Christopher is the only one to really be interested in why he has not called yet. Until last Wednesday, I had nothing to tell him because I had not talked to anyone and did not know what was going on myself. He is not allowed to talk to the kids right now. I do not know when that will change. Please pray that when it does I will know the best way to handle the results.
I will post more when I learn more.